Usage Tracker installation instructions for Mac

These are the install instructions for a mac. This needs some technical expertise. Most of these instructions have commands that can be run from the terminal.

Pre requisites:

  1. The usage tracker needs Java runtime version > 1.6 (Java 6 or higher) to be installed and under PATH. This can be checked using the terminal command : java -version
  2. Download the tracker configuration file (tracker.conf) from the iLab application. (Please contact your IA for instructions on how to do this)

Installation Steps:

  1. Download the Mac usage tracker from the application:
  2. Delete the quarantine attribute from the file.
  3. Un-archive the contents of any directory.
  4. Move to applications to install the tracker
  5. Copy the tracker.conf file to /Applications/ Ensure that this file is readable by all users.
  6. Copy the com.ilabsolutions.UsageTracker.plist file to /Library/LaunchAgents.
    Optional: Use PlistEdit Pro to edit the plist file and specify the parameters you want it to launch with. Ensure that this file is owned by root and has permissions 644.
  7. Log out and log back on to start the Tracker.


Post Installation:

  1. If the tracker has been installed in the online mode, you should see the equipment show up as “online” in the ilab application.
  2. We process the usage logs nightly, so the events will show up in the equipment calendar the day after the usage was recorded.

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