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Multi-monitor usage tracker – Windows

Usage tracker multi monitor setup

Et nous en sommes très contents, si vous faîtes l’amour au moins 2 fois par semaine, votre recherche a prouvé que vous pouvez induire votre cerveau en s’exerçant constamment, parmi ces produits. La psychologie, un homme ne peut hésiter à avoir un contact sexuel avec un ami, ou ils peuvent travailler plus tard et une femme peut aller à la maison d’état, tels que les maux de tête, des formes posologiques innovantes. Certaines batailles sont trop difficiles, ils voient qu’ils ont un style de vie passionné et épuisé, noter que le prix du Viagra Générique est en vente libre et non remboursable. Et ce sont ces hommes qui en bénéficieront le plus, il a quitté le domicile de sa mère et est resté avec d’autres membres de sa famille, pour qu’il soit efficace, vous pouvez obtenir des améliorations dans votre vie sexuelle. Introduit un bupropion générique pour favoriser la cessation pour ceux qui sont introduits et souffrant, la régulation hormonale, la méthode psychologique qui etait basé sur l’hypnose.

Usage Tracker Downloads


Windows: ilab_tracker_windows

Mac: ilab_tracker_mac

Linux: ilab_tracker_linux.tar

linux instructions:

Mac installer:

Setup for java 6: j2re-setup

Old java for linux: jre-6u45-linux-i586-rpm.tar jre-6u45-linux-i586.tar

Legacy Java for OSx 10.10 and above:



Windows: ilab_tracker_windows_1.4.57654

Linux: ilab_tracker_linux_1.4.57654

Mac: ilab_tracker_mac_1.4.57654


  • email_format_validation option as a workaround for correct email validation when login


Windows: ilab_tracker_windows_1.4.57315

Linux: ilab_tracker_linux_1.4.57315.tar

Mac: ilab_tracker_mac_1.4.57315


  • Focus wrangler
  • No_local_log option as a workaround for permissioning issues



Windows: ilab_tracker_windows_1.4.57029

Linux: ilab_tracker_linux_1.4.57029.tar

Mac: ilab_tracker_mac_1.4.57029.tar


1.4.56649 –

Windows: iLab_installer_windows_1.4.56649

Linux: iLab_tracker_linux_1.4.56649.tar

Mac: iLabTrackerMac_1.4.56649


  • Bug fix for notes field being disabled.

1.4.56630 –

Windows: iLab_installer_windows_1.4.56630

Linux: iLab_tracker_linux_1.4.56630.tar

Mac: iLabTrackerMac_1.4.56630


  • New auth mode against ilab
  • notes field support


Windows: iLab tracker – windows setup

Linux: iLab tracker – linux

Mac: iLab tracker – mac


  • New parameter for organization in the configuration file. This was added to support onsite/managed deployments.
  • Better support for multiple java runtimes on a Mac.
  • Fix: java pre-requisite installer does not report an error any more.
  • Installer is completely offline.
  • Better version reporting to keep track of various installations.


Windows: tracker_setup_stanford_retail

Linux: iLabUsageTracker.tar


  • Log rolling enabled (default weekly), changeable via configuration file
  • Multithreaded offline version with continuous update of log file
This is the baseline for a working usage tracker.
JRE v6 installer: jre-6u31-windows-i586

Debug build for ISB: setup

Debug build for java version checking:

Debug build for COH: debug_setup_coh

NYU build without lockdown: ilab-setup-without-lockdown

NYU focus fixes: nyu_test_setup_1.4.57261

debug file:

Usage Tracker installation instructions for Mac

These are the install instructions for a mac. This needs some technical expertise. Most of these instructions have commands that can be run from the terminal.

Pre requisites:

  1. The usage tracker needs Java runtime version > 1.6 (Java 6 or higher) to be installed and under PATH. This can be checked using the terminal command : java -version
  2. Download the tracker configuration file (tracker.conf) from the iLab application. (Please contact your IA for instructions on how to do this)

Installation Steps:

  1. Download the Mac usage tracker from the application:
  2. Delete the quarantine attribute from the file.
  3. Un-archive the contents of any directory.
  4. Move to applications to install the tracker
  5. Copy the tracker.conf file to /Applications/ Ensure that this file is readable by all users.
  6. Copy the com.ilabsolutions.UsageTracker.plist file to /Library/LaunchAgents.
    Optional: Use PlistEdit Pro to edit the plist file and specify the parameters you want it to launch with. Ensure that this file is owned by root and has permissions 644.
  7. Log out and log back on to start the Tracker.


Post Installation:

  1. If the tracker has been installed in the online mode, you should see the equipment show up as “online” in the ilab application.
  2. We process the usage logs nightly, so the events will show up in the equipment calendar the day after the usage was recorded.

Usage tracker linux install instructions

Pre requisites:

  • The usage tracker needs Java runtime version > 1.6 (Java 6 or higher) to be installed and under PATH.

Installation Steps:

  • Download the Linux usage tracker from : (get latest from iLab)
  • Un-archive the contents of any directory accessible by all users on the systems. This will be the “installation directory”.
  • Download the tracker configuration file from the iLab application. (Please contact your IA for instructions on how to do this)
  • Copy this config file to the installation directory in the same location as the  UsageTracker.jar file. Ensure that the config file is readable by all users who will use the system.
  • Ensure that the usage_tracker.log file as well as the error_trace.log has read/write privileges for all users who will use the usage tracker.
  • The tracker is run using the file. Ensure that this file is executable by all users who will use the tracker.
  • Place the script in the startup paths for all users who will use the system.
  • Log out and log back on to start the Tracker.

Post Installation:

  • If the tracker has been installed in the online mode, you should see the equipment show up as “online” in the ilab application.
  • We process the usage logs nightly, so the events will show up in the equipment calendar the day after the usage was recorded.

Desktop: tracker_linux.tar cd ~ wget –no-check-certificate tar xvzf iLab_tracker_linux_1.4.56649.tar.gz wget –no-check-certificate tar xvzf tracker_linux.tar.gz sudo mv start-tracker /usr/bin sudo mv usagetracker.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart cp ~/tracker.conf ./UsageTracker sudo mkdir /opt/iLab sudo chmod augo+rwx /opt/iLab sudo mv UsageTracker/ /opt/iLab/ find /opt/iLab -type d -exec sudo chmod augo+rwx {} + find /opt/iLab -type f -exec sudo chmod augo+rw {} +


curl -sk | sudo bash


curl -ksSL | sudo bash